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Churches Raising Up Pastors - ENTRUST

9Marks wants to see more churches and pastors taking responsibility for raising up the next generation of pastors. To help our readers catch a vision for what that might look like, we asked several organizations closely tied to one or several local churches how they fulfill this mission. With one exception, each of the following organization answers the same 18 questions.

Here are Entrust's answers (submitted by Michael Schafer). Entrust is based outside of Durban, South Africa

  1. Organization name
    The Evangelical Network Trust (ENTRUST)—the umbrella organization that administers the ENTRUST Training Course (ETC)

  2. Year began
    Since 1999, churches in the South African state of Kwa-Zulu Natal have had apprentices on their staff teams. In 2003, various staff teams started to come together for regional training. This evolved through different forms until 2007 when the ENTRUST Training Course was formed, which began with the establishment of ENTRUST. 

  3. What's the relationship between the organization and a local church?
    ENTRUST aims to work together with local churches (across denominational lines) to raise up future generations of gospel workers in Kwa-Zulu Natal. This is achieved in the following ways:
    • ENTRUST aims to ground apprentices in the Scriptures, teaching them to follow key biblical themes, understand major doctrines, and grow in their ability to teach and apply these to others. Besides this formal element to their training, apprentices are also expected to be involved in ministry and service in their local church.
    • The ENTRUST Training Course encourages participation from leading evangelical pastors (as teachers and adjudicators).
    • ENTRUST organizes several conferences throughout the year to which the local church apprentices and partners are encouraged to attend. For example, this year's Entrust Partners Conference featured David Jackman, president of the Proclamation Trust (U.K.) and the Cornhill Training Course.
    • ENTRUST has invited several pastors to serve on their board.

  4. How many students per semester or year?
    41 students participated in ETC 2008. Of these students:
    • 10 attended the half day course
    • 31 attended the full day course
    • 29 were 1st year students
    • 12 were 2nd year students
    On average, there have been about 35 students per term.

  5. What's the length of the program?
    The ETC is run over 2 years with four terms in each year (currently 8-weeks per term). 2008 was the first year that saw the 2-year program implemented with first and second year students.

    The course runs one full day per week (Wednesdays, 9 to 3:30).

  6. Does the program cost? How much?
    The ENTRUST Training Course offers a half day or full day course. The half day course costs R350 per term and the full day course costs R500 per term.

  7. Is it full time? Are students allowed/required to be doing something else (work, study) at the same time?
    The ETC is run over 2 years with 4 terms in each year. The course runs one full day per week and students have the option of attending either a full day or half day course (9 to 3:30 or 9 to 12.30).

    The course is ideal for those serving apprenticeships or working in various ministries in local churches as well as for those considering full-time ministry. However, the course is also designed for all those who have opportunities to teach the Bible in their local churches and want further training. That means it is for any committed Christian who holds to the centrality of the Bible, as God's Sovereign Word to us.

    Given that it is only 1-day per week and that a half-day course is available, the course is ideal for those who have flexible work hours, are studying, and/or anyone who is able to free up one morning mid-week.

  8. Is housing made available for students? Cost?
    The course is currently held at the offices of Christ Church Pinetown (suburb of Durban) and accommodation is not provided (or deemed necessary). Cost n/a.

  9. What are the program's goals?
    • ENTRUST is a non-profit organization which seeks to raise up a new generation of gospel workers who will be able to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ in South Africa.
    • ENTRUST aims to ground apprentices in the Scriptures, follow key Biblical themes, understand major doctrines and grow in their ability to teach and apply these to others. Besides this formal element to their training, apprentices are also expected to be involved in ministry and service in their local church
    • ENTRUST aims to achieve the above in four principal ways: recruitment of those who show potential, apprenticeship in their local churches, theological training possibly at George Whitfield College, and multiplying & maintaining of gospel-shaped ministries in the future—within churches or through church planting).
    • ENTRUST's main objective is to glorify God by raising up new generations of gospel workers who will share our core values and model of ministry

  10. What's involved in the application process?
    To date, applications and admittance into the ENTRUST Training Course has been via word-of-mouth and on recommendation from local churches. This will change in 2009 when a slightly more formal application process will be adopted, involving a detailed application form. It remains ENTRUST's aim to work closely with the churches in Kwa-Zulu Natal to encourage them to individually adopt apprenticeship programs within their local church and to participate in the ETC.

  11. Can you give a brief overview of how the program works from the student's standpoint?
    In line with ENTRUST's aims above:
    • the student will be recruited by their local church based on their potential in various ministries their church is involved in (i.e. urban, rural, English, Zulu, student ministry etc.) where they will sign up as an apprentice for 2 years.
    • The student/apprentice will be involved locally in their church's "Ministry Apprenticeship Programme" where their rector's will seek to train them in a hands-on way. Regionally, they will attend the ETC, where they will learn the more formal skills of gospel ministry.
    • Those suitable for long-term gospel ministry will be encouraged to consider theological training at George Whitefield College in Cape Town.
    • Those who return to Kwa-Zulu Natal are developed (within their local church) with a view to multiplying and maintaining gospel-shaped ministries in the future (i.e. ministries within churches or, as is ENTRUST's hope for the future, through church planting).

  12. What responsibilities does the student have in a typical week?
    The specifics of the Ministry Apprenticeship Programme within local churches will be at the discretion of each pastor. This will likely involve training in various ministries to ascertain where they are most suited to serving; assisting and/or leading Bible studies; working through a recommended reading programme; and assisting with the church in other practical ways as required.

    As part of the Ministry Apprenticeship Programme, the student/apprentice will be required to attend the ETC (one full day per week for 2 years).

  13. Any further opportunities or responsibilities for the student?
    Apprentices assist as leaders in regional conferences which reach children, teens, and students. They also assist with running conferences for pastors.

  14. How many pastors are involved, how are they involved, and what's the cost on their time?
    The ETC enforces no direct involvement, but pastors are encouraged to support in the following ways (at their own discretion in terms of time, cost, and "how"):
    • Implementing their own Ministry Apprenticeship Programme and utilizing their apprentices in the most effective way suited to their local ministries and local church requirements.
    • Sending (and supporting their apprentices financially) to the ETC.
    • Working with their apprentices to follow up on what they learned at the ETC.
    • Maintaining a close link with ENTRUST and following up with feedback/queries where relevant.
    • Assisting with lecturing at the ETC.
    • Assisting with the evaluation of second year talks at the ETC.
    • Supporting conferences.
    • Supporting financially.
    • Assist with promoting the ETC within their networks.

  15. How many non-pastoral staff involved and what do they do?
    ENTRUST currently employs one business/administrative manager who undertakes administration, finance, conference organizing and newsletter/website production on behalf of ENTRUST.

  16. What is this program good for accomplishing?
    ENTRUST's goals will only be accomplished with the support of local churches. The cycle of "Recruit", "Apprentice", "Train" and "Multiply" is only possible when local pastors implement ministry apprenticeship (internship) programs within their churches.

    It is ENTRUST's hope that in developing this programme, new Gospel-shaped ministries within churches can be started, and ultimately new churches will be planted sharing ENTRUST's core values and model of ministry with the aim of proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ in South Africa.

    The ETC is good for accomplishing the formal element of apprenticeship training and includes 4 modules as follows:

    • Bible study (Bible overview for first years and in-depth study of three Bible books for second years)
    • Principles of exposition (studying the seven main genres of the Bible—OT narrative, wisdom, prophecy, and poetry; NT Gospel, epistles, and apocalyptic)
    • Doctrine and Ministry (studying the 7 main doctrines of the Bible and seeking to apply them to the Christian life – Revelation, God, Man & Sin, Christ, Holy Spirit, Church, and Last Things)
    • Talks (short talks for first years and longer talks for second years, giving students practical training by teaching passages to one another)

  17. What is it not good for accomplishing?
    ENTRUST will not be successful in its aim of recruiting, apprenticing, training and multiplying without the support and participation of local churches.

    The ETC is not a replacement for accredited theological training such as that which George Whitefield College provides.

  18. Where are your graduated students now? What are they doing?
    Our students are now either co-pastoring churches, working on university campuses, or are children's or youth workers. Those who have not gone into paid ministry are involved in ministry in their local churches.

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